Famous Writers’ Sleeping Habits and Productivity Infographic

Curious about the correlation between sleeping habits and writers’ productivity, Maria Popova curated this infographic, detailing the waking hour of 37 famous authors, along with information such as the amount of books they wrote, prizes won, and their life span. It was designed by Giorgia Lupi and her team at Accurat. Portraits were illustrated by Wendy MacNaughton.

Popvoa details her process of creating this visualization over at Brain Pickings, where she concludes, “there are countless factors that shape a writer’s creative output, of which sleep is only one…. late risers seem to produce more works but win fewer awards than early birds… no specific routine guarantees success, and the only thing that matters is having a routine and the persistence implicit to one. Showing up day in and day out, without fail, is the surest way to achieve lasting success.”

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